Though Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) now dominates the vast majority of animated movies being made, there is still something very appealing about a hand drawn image. Drawing by hand takes a great degree of skill and technique. There are so many mediums that can be utilized when drawing by hand, yet many people are only Read More

Canvas has a long history for a variety of uses due to its durability and unique properties. In the art world, it is seen a tool used by painters concerned with quality. The unique properties often making canvas a preferred choice include the lack of brushstrokes left behind, creating a seamless look often appreciated by Read More

Painting a picture frame can be inspirational and be away for creativity to flow. Learning how to paint a picture frame is simple – and one can find out how, regardless of their skill level. Once a picture frame is painted, it can enhance the picture that it goes around in a new and interesting Read More

R/C airplanes, otherwise known as remote control airplanes, are a great hobby. While people have been entertained by remote control vehicles for years, planes offer a higher level of control simply because they are airborne. Many people choose kits where they can build every feature of the plane on their own – and then take Read More